9BetterIT Slack CommunityAs an active member of the BetterIT Slack community I have freely contributed to the community as a Google Workspace Admin, Partner, and Consultant.
Jan 1, 2023 28dahoam venturesInvesting in future of work, lifestyle, and open source software products.
Sep 1, 2021 5OurPowerAn energy cooperative in Austria that is building a community-owned renewable energy platform.
8C2C - The Google Cloud Customer CommunityThe Google Cloud Customer Community is a place to connect, share, and learn from other Google Cloud customers.
7Member of the Google Cloud Community & Community Advisory Forum.As a member of the Community Advisory Forum I am helping to shape the Google Cloud Community's direction.
6MacAdmins Slack CommunityAs an active member of the MacAdmins Slack community I have contributed to the community in a number of ways.
Feb 1, 2023 78Speis von MorgenA local grocery store run by a collective of people who care about the environment and the food they eat.
May 1, 2019 5TomorrowSustainable Banking and Finance in the 21st Century is hard to find. Tomorrow is building it.